Former Indian batsman Virendra Singh Sehwag, who is among the most explosive players of his time, is also known for his amazing sense of humour on social media platforms. Recently, he asked his fans about the thing they were most scared of. His exact question was, “Sabse jada darr kisse lagta hai.” Fans gave a number of replies to this question, but there was one comment that caught the attention of Sehwag because of its wit. A fan wrote “New Zealand” in reply to Sehwag’s question.
Sehwag also gave a humorous reply to the comment by saying, “Han yaar masson se hai, but knockout me bada karte hai, hmare sath.” By saying this, he was pointing out the Indian cricket team’s defeats by New Zealand in ICC knockout matches.
It was the New Zealand cricket team that beat India in the semi-final match of the ODI World Cup 2019. They also won the ICC World Test Championship in 2021 by beating India in the final match.
If we talk about the recent tour of the New Zealand cricket team to India for ODI and T20I series, then team India had won both series: the ODI series by 3-0 and the T20 series by 2-1 with an amazing victory with a margin of 168 runs in the final match of the T20 series.
Awesome conversation between Former Indian Cricket Player Sehwag and Fan on Twitter