The Pro Kabaddi League (PKL) franchise Bengaluru Bulls announced on Tuesday that Randhir Singh Sehrawat had been relieved of his position as head coach. Having been in charge of the team since the first season, Randhir guided it to its first championship in the sixth iteration of the tournament. The Bulls made the playoffs six times in 11 seasons when he was their coach.
For more than ten years, “Coach Saab” Randhir has been a pillar of our team’s development, helping to mold the triumphs and accomplishments we have shared. His commitment and guidance have had a long-lasting effect on the Bengaluru Bulls family,” the team wrote in a social media post. The Bulls’ new head coach is BC Ramesh, who served as an assistant coach throughout the 2018–19 season when the team won the championship. Ramesh returns to Bengaluru after two successful stints, winning titles with Puneri Paltan (season 10) and Bengal Warriors (season 7).